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Changes and Improvements in Timekeeper version 0.73

15 November 2000

This document describes the extensive changes to Timekeeper released as version 0.73 in December 96. Later changes are described in Version 0.8 Changes and Version 0.81 Changes.

Changes Made to the Program

TDPGM.MDB Version 0.73

Time Keeper for Time Dollar Form

Added a button Make Reports. This gets you to the new reports interface which replaces all the report forms that were reachable from the Reports Menu. The Make Reports form is also reachable from the Action Menu.

Menu Bar

The Reports Menu has been removed. All reports are accessed through the Make Reports form. Count Members is now in the Action Menu.

Merge Member has been added to the Action Menu. Its purpose is to open a special version of the Make Transfer form. This special version allows you to transfer all transactions from one Member to another. This is needed to fix the problem that occurs when there are two Member entrys for one actual person and Time Dollars have been credited to each. The special Make Transfer form will not appear if the Make Transfer form is already open.

Find Member Form

The First and Last names columns have been exchanged. Since the list is not ordered there is no need for Last name to be the first column. The list reads more naturally if First name is on the left.

A Passbook button has been added. This lets you see a member's Passbook without bringing up the full Member form.

Find Organization Form

A Passbook button has been added. This lets you see an organization's Passbook without bringing up the full Organization form.

Make Transfer Form

You can now select a Service. If a service is selected then the members become Provider and Recipient instead of Transfer from and Transfer to. There is also a place to enter date of service. This lets you enter a service transaction between members without first creating an Assignment. If the service has been performed already then there is no need for an Assignment. If you clear the Service then you can again enter a simple transfer without service.

If you use Merge Member in the Action menu to open the Make Transfer form then there is an extension that gives you a Move All Transactions button. This will allow you to move all existing transactions from the from member to the to member. Use this button when you have accidentally created two members that are really the same person and you want to get all the transactions together. Be careful because there is no way to undo such a transfer.

Count Members Form

This form is used to select sets of members with special attributes. The selected set can be counted or used as the source for reports. The form has been rearranged and expanded.

The Selection Name in the lower left lets you create and later retrieve named sets. To create a new named set type a new name into this combo box. The Save button and Delete button to the right are to save changes to the current named set or the delete the current named set. They do not apply to the entry named default.

There are two small unlabelled combo boxes in the lower left. The upper one lets you choose between Members, Organizations, or Both members and organizations. The lower one lets you choose between Active, Inactive, or All of whatever you selected in the upper combo box.

The Reset button gets you back to the default settings. This is handy if you wish to return a named selection to the default before entering new settings.

The Preview button shows you a list of the selected Members and Organizations.

If you are using this form to set the defaults for use in a report it is important that you exit by using the OK button and not by just closing the form.

Make Report Form

The Make Report form is a new and rather complicated form. It is now the interface to all existing reports and to all reports we may add in the future.

The controls in the upper left specify the Report. Report Type gives the list of possible reports. If the report can have parameters then more controls appear so you can select things like Year and Month.

In reports that allow a time period you usually choose a month or a quarter in the Period combo box. If you choose use dates, the last entry, you can set specific starting and ending dates. This will even let you create a report for a period that spans the end of a year.

The Print button and Preview Report button in the upper right let you see or print the report.

The controls in the center of the form let you specify the report source. You can choose a source type like members or organizations and instances of the source type like active or inactive. The two more interesting choices are one and selection.

When you choose one you get a button that lets you choose which one. If you save a report which specifies one member and the one member is the null member then when that saved report is restored the null will be replaced with the last member chosen in the Find Member form. This lets you create a saved report which will be for the current member.

When you choose selection you get a box that lets you choose a named selection. If you use the default or if you want to make a small change to the named selection, use the Make Selection button to bring up the Count Members form.

By Site and By Organization lets you qualify your choices by Site and Organization. Note that you can use one here also. The choice of one can only appear once in What Source, By Site an By Organization. The choice of null is used if your database contains Members without a Site or without an Organization.

Preview Source lets you see whether you have made the choices you intended for the source of the report. Preview Source also gives you a count of the source.

Report Name at the bottom of the form lets you create and later retrieve named reports. When you bring up a named report you are setting all the other fields on the form to the values you saved. If you wish to make a small change, like setting a new month, you do not need to save the report again. You can just make the change and print a report. To create a new named report type a new name into this combo box. The Save button and Delete button let you save the current report specification and delete a Named report. You can not delete the default but you can save it. This means that the default will be whatever report you want.

Passbook Form

Added a Print button to print a Passbook report for the past 3 months.

Added a Recorded column to the data shown. Since the recorded date is used for creating reports it is less confusing to be able to see the recorded date.

Added a way to change and delete transactions. Each line shown has a record selector. That is the little gray square at the left of each line. When you click in the square it turns black with a white arrow. That indicates the selected line. Right above the selectors is a square, unlabelled button. When you click this button you get the selected line and other controls.

You can either enter a correction or make an unconditional change. Let us take the case of Delete. The correction method will not delete the transaction but will instead enter another transaction which will negate the transaction you want to delete. This line will have a service of correction and a service date which will be the date entered for the transaction being deleted. The unconditional change method will just delete the transaction.

The advantages of the correction method is that you have a record of the change to the members passbook and if you went back an ran a Passbook report for the month that has the deleted transaction you will get the same report as before. Also, both parties for the transaction will realize that something was changed when they get their passbooks for the current month. Transactions that have just been entered can certainly be fixed using the unconditional method. Transactions that have been entered some time before are probably best fixed using the correction method.

The correction method is activated when the Enter Correction button is down and its label appears in red.

The date of service and the amount can be changed by entering the changes in the Date or Amount fields and clicking the Change button. If the Correcton method is chosen a correction transaction is entered and then the changed transaction is entered as if it was a new transaction. If the unconditional change method is used the changes are made in the transaction record and its entered date is also changed to be the current date. Any other changes must be done by deleting the transaction and then entering it again using the Make Transfer form.

The Cancel button just gets you back to the regular layout of the Passbook form.

Changes Made to the Utility

TDUTIL.MDB Version 0.73

Custom Maintenance Form

The Copy Backup to Data button was removed. This was hard to use and not needed because there are other combination of Backup and Resore which do the same thing.

A Remove Deleted Members and Sites button was added. This lets you remove Members and Organizations and Sites from the data. A Member or Organization to be removed must have the last name of %deleted%, it must be inactive, there must be no transactions that refer to it and there must be no sites that refer to it. A Site To be removed must be named %deleted%, it must be inactive, and there must be no members or organizations that refer to it.

Fix Data form

This form is only reachable from the Actions Menu. Its purpose is to fix problems that have occurred in the database. All of these functions must be used with great care. They make changes in the data that are impossible to reverse.

Edit System Information lets you see and change basic system constants. A similar button appears on the other forms.

Member Identifiers and Site Identifiers lets you see a list of Members or Sites with their assigned Identifiers and their internal sequence numbers.

Fix Identifiers repairs damage that has occurred when the program that changes the database version did not work quite right. The mistakes have caused the prefix to be changed and the next number to be reset to the starting number. The method is to find where the original sequence goes wrong and to change the remaining Identifiers to fit with the original sequence. This problem probably only happened for Timekeeper databases that existed before the end of 1995.

Change Prefix lets you change the prefix part of identifiers. This will be needed if we try to use the identifiers to merge data from multiple machines. To do so the system prefix on the machines need to be different and most probably now have XXXX or DEMO or TEST.

Fix Balances will regenerate member balances from the transaction records.

Remove Deleted is the same function that is also on the Custom Maintenance form.

Changes to the Database Version

The database version has been changed to 0.7 because several changes have occurred in the database. Tables have been added for saving the named reports and the named sets. Temporary tables have been moved to the program so that users over a network will not conflict when changing the temporary tables. The transaction table has been changed to allow for correction transactions.

Because of the extensive changes to the database use caution when going to the new version. Make sure your data is properly backed up and look for unexpected changes in your data. The change in the transaction records caused many changes in reports having to do with member balances so make sure these look OK.

Note that the database changes mean that you must have TDSTRUC.MDB Version 0.7 in order to do the update.

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